Register i-MSECURE MUAMALAT(Cara Aktifkan i-msecure muamalat

CARA  REGISTER i-msecure muamalat

Semestinya anda sedia maklum untuk melakukan perpindahan wang secara online banking akan memerlukan kod keselamatan iaitu No TAC. Tetapi kini Bank Muamalat telah menambahbaikkan ciri keselamatan tersebut dengan memperkenalkan i-MSecure. Disini kami ingin kongsikan cara untuk register i-MSecure Muamalat, semoga membantu


i-MSecure merupakan ciri–ciri keselamatan berbentuk digital yang telah diperkenalkan oleh Bank Muamalat bertujuan untuk pengesahan transaksi melalui telefon pintar yang lebih selamat dan mudah. Melalui ciri ini, pengguna hanya perlu menekan butang Approve yang terdapat pada skrin bagi meneruskan transaksi tanpa perlu membuat permintaan TAC


Bank Muamalat memperkenalkan i-MSecure bagi mengantikan kod TAC berkuatkuasa mulai bulan Julai


Buat kali pertama, seharusnya ada memuat turun dan intalls aplikasi i-Muamalat Mobile di telefon anda bagi memudahkan urusan anda. Pautan muat turun seperti di bawah:


Sebagai pengguna kali pertama, seharusnya anda membuat pendaftaran terlebih dahulu, berikut adalah merupakan caranya.:

  1. Layari i-Muamalat online portal dan log masuk ke akaun anda
  2. Pada paparan utama klik pada setting, dan klik pada menu Security dan pilih i-Msecure Token Registration
  3. Sistem kemudiannya akan memaparkan halaman Pendaftaran Token. Klik pada butang ‘Daftar’.
  4. Sistem akan mengarahkan anda ke halaman Pengesahan Pendaftaran Token dan nombor TAC akan dihantar ke nombor TAC mudah alih anda yang berdaftar. Masukkan TAC dan klik pada butang ‘Sahkan’.
  5. Sistem akan memaparkan halaman Pengakuan Pendaftaran Token. Klik ‘OK’. Sistem akan mengarahkan anda ke halaman Pendaftaran Token dengan kod QR.
  6. Kemudian klik kembali pada i-Msecure Token Registration paparan akan menunjukkan Status: Pre-Activated dengan Kod QR


Setelah selesai anda membuat pendaftaran, berikut adalah merupakan cara pengaktifan bagi pengguna kali pertama iaitu:

  1. Buka aplikasi mudah alih i-Muamalat di telefon anda dan pastikan anda TIDAK LOG MASUK terlebih dahulu melalui kata laluan atau biometrik.
  2. Pada paparan utama tersebut klik pada ikon i-Msecure
  3. Imbas Token (kod QR) pada porta i-Muamalat online tadi
  4. Skrin aplikasi i-Muamalat akan memaparkan Add New Device Confirmation dengan butiran telefon pintar anda
  5. Masukkan Username dan Password anda, klik Next
  6. Anda akan menerima SMS TAC, masukkan no TAC tersebut pada ruangan tersedia dan klik Confirm
  7. Selesai, paparan i-Msecure Activated terpapar di skrin anda

NOTA: Hanya satu peranti sahaja yang boleh mendaftar i-Msecure dalam satu-satu masa



Jika anda perlukan maklumat lanjut dan sebarang pertayaan mengenai i-Msecure, anda boleh merujuk:

Portal Rasmi Bank Muamalat
Hubungi Talian Khdimat Pelanggan: 03-2600 5500

i-MSecure FAQ register muamalat

  1. What is i-muamalat Mobile App?
    The i-muamalat Mobile Banking App is a smartphone application that allows you to access and
    manage your Muamalat accounts quickly and securely from your mobile device.
  2. Can I use the Mobile Banking App if I am not an i-muamalat Internet banking user?
    No. You must be an i-muamalat Internet Banking user to use Mobile Banking Application. If you
    are not an i-muamalat Internet Banking customer, you must sign up for i-muamalat Internet
  3. How can I get the i-muamalat Mobile App?
    For Apple and Android Users, the app can be downloaded from the Apple AppStore, or Google
    Play store.
  4. What are the features offered in i-muamalat Mobile App?
    i) Login and Authentication
    ii) Account Management
    iii) Bill Payment and other payments (for favourite payments only)
    iv) JomPAY
    v) Fund Transfer – Own Account, 3rd party, IBG and IBFT
    vi) Financing Payment – Own and 3rd party
    vii) Prepaid Reload
    viii) Cheque Status Inquiry (for individual account only)
    ix) Transaction History
    x) Waktu Solat
    xi) Daily Quote
    xii) QR Pay
    xiii) Financial Calculator
    xiv) Locate ATM / Branch
    xv) i-Muamalat Token (i-MSecure)


  1. What happens if my mobile device is lost or stolen?
    If your mobile device is lost or stolen and/or you feel your login credentials may have been
    compromised, please contact our Customer Care Line immediately at +60326005500.
  2. What security measures can I take to protect my information on i-muamalat Mobile app?
    i) Keep your Username and Password secret and do not share them with anyone.
    ii) Close your Mobile Banking session when finished.
    iii) Ensure your mobile device is password protected.
  3. What is the minimum mobile device requirement in order to use the i-muamalat Mobile
    i) iOS 7.x
    ii) iOS 8.x
    iii) iOS 9.x
    iv) iOS 10.x
    v) iOS 11.x
    vi) iOS 12.x
    vii) Android OS 4.5 (KitKat) and Above
    viii) Android OS 5.x (Lollipop)
    ix) Android OS 6.x (Marshmallow)
    x) Android OS 7.x (Nougat)
    xi) Android OS 8.x (Oreo)
    xii) Android OS 9.x (Pie)
  4. What if I am using other operating systems such as Blackberry or Windows phone?
    i-Muamalat Mobile Application is only supported by “non-jailbreak” & “non-rooted” iOS 7 or later;
    and Android 4.5 or later operating systems.
  5. What is i-Muamalat Mobile Application monetary transaction limit?
    Maximum monetary transaction limit thru i-Muamalat Mobile Application is RM9,999.99.


  1. After I installed i-Muamalat Mobile Application, it could not be opened. What should I
    For security purposes, system does not allow any 3rd party keyboard. Please go to your phone
    setting and change to standard keyboard.
  2. At i-Muamalat Mobile Application, I could not do screenshot anymore. What should I do?
    For security purposes, system will block screenshot. If you need to get a payment proof, please
    login to i-Muamalat website and click on My Accounts > i-muamalat Transactions >
    Current/Saving > Successful Transactions on the sub menu tab.
  3. Why I could not do multiple transactions anymore?
    With the implementation of 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) feature, only single transaction is
  4. What is i-MSecure?
    i-MSecure is a safer and convenient way to authorise transactions with value of RM10,000 and
    above through software token embedded in i-Muamalat Mobile Application. This 2 Factor
    Authentication (2FA) feature is available only on the new i-Muamalat Mobile Application, which
    can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple Store. Customers are required to
    register for i-MSecure before enjoying this new authorise transaction method. i-MSecure is a
    feature that allows user to approve or reject i-Muamalat transactions directly from their
  5. Am I required to use i-MSecure for all transactions?
    Authorisation using i-MSecure is required for everyone when making transactions with value of
    RM10,000 and above. Any transaction below the amount will be using the existing
    authentication method which is the Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) that is sent through


  1. How do I register for i-MSecure?
    i-MSecure is available only on the new i-Muamalat Mobile Application, which can be
    downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple Store. To register, please login to i-Muamalat
    website and follow these steps:
    i) Click on Other Services > My Data > Token Registration on the sub menu tab. System
    will display Token Registration page.
    ii) Click on ‘Register’ button. System will direct to Token Registration Confirmation page
    and a TAC number will be sent to your respective registered mobile TAC number.
    iii) Input TAC, and click on ‘Confirm’ button. System will display Token Registration
    Acknowledgement page.
    iv) Click ‘OK’. System will direct to Token Registration page with QR code.
    v) To add device, please launch latest i-Muamalat Mobile Application in your device and
    tap on i-MSecure button.
    vi) Camera will be activated, point the device’s camera at the QR code displayed in iMuamalat Web > Token Registration page and scan. If your device’s camera could not
    detect the QR code & you need to instantly refresh the QR code, click ‘Token
    Registration’ on the sub menu tab.
    vii) Once successfully scan, system shall display Add New Device – Confirmation page.
    viii)Enter your username and password and tap ‘Next’. System will generate a TAC number
    and send to your respective registered mobile TAC number.
    ix) Input TAC, and click on ‘Confirm’ button. System will direct to Add New Device –
    Acknowledgement page.
    x) You have successfully activated Software Token in your mobile device.


  1. Can I register for i-MSecure muamalat on two different devices?
    No, i-MSecure is tied to 1 device only per username.
  2. How do I authorise my transactions with i-MSecure?
    You will be prompted with a push notification on your registered mobile device. You need to
    “Approve” or “Reject” the transaction within 60 seconds.
  3. If you are unable to receive push notifications from i-Muamalat Mobile Application,
    please follow the steps below:
    For iPhones:
    a) Allow Notification
    i) Go to your iPhone ‘Settings’
    ii) Search for ‘i-Muamalat Mobile Application.’
    iii) Select ‘Notification’
    iv) Choose to ‘Allow Notification’
    b) Activate Apple ID:
    i) Go to your iPhone ‘Settings’
    ii) Ensure that Apple ID is activated
    For Android phones:
    i) Go to your Android phone ‘Settings’
    ii) Select ‘Apps’
    iii) Search for ‘i-Muamalat Mobile Application.’
    iv) Select ‘Notifications’
    v) Choose to ‘Enable’ or switch ‘ON’ to ‘Allow Notification’
  4. Can I use i-MSecure without an internet connection?
    No, you need an internet connection for i-MSecure.
  5. I did not receive the i-MSecure push notification to authorise my transaction. What
    should I do?
    Please check your internet connection. You will only receive the push notification if your internet
    connection is available. If your internet connection is working and you are not able to receive
    push notification do contact our Customer Care Line at +60326005500 to lodge a report.


  1. If you have received the i-MSecure push notification but after opening it you faced a
    blank screen, please follow the steps below:
    i) Go to your smartphone ‘Settings’
    ii) Search for ‘i-Muamalat Mobile Application.’
    iii) Select ‘Storage’
    iv) Choose to ‘Clear Data’
    v) Please login to i-Muamalat website > Token Registration page, delete existing device
    and proceed with add device activity.
  2. What happens if I changed or lost my mobile phone?
    You can delete existing device and add new device for i-MSecure at any time. Please login to
    i-Muamalat website and follow these steps:
    i) Click on Other Services > My Data > Token Registration on the sub menu tab. System
    will display Token Registration page.
    ii) Click on ‘Delete’ button in Token Registration page. System will display Delete Device
    Confirmation page and a TAC number will be send to your respective registered
    mobile TAC number.
    iii) Input TAC, and click on ‘Confirm’ button. System will display Delete Device
    Acknowledgement page.
    iv) Click ‘OK’. System will direct to Token Registration page with QR code.
    v) Proceed with add new device activity.
  3. I have deleted existing device at i-Muamalat website and unable to add the same device.
    What should I do?
    For iPhones: Please uninstall existing i-Muamalat Mobile Application and reinstall.
    For Android phones:
    i) Go to your smartphone ‘Settings’
    ii) Search for ‘i-Muamalat Mobile Application.’
    iii) Select ‘Storage’
    iv) Choose to ‘Clear Data’
    v) Please login to i-Muamalat website and proceed with add device activity at Token
    Registration page.


  1. What happen if I don’t approve the transaction with the i-MSecure push notification that
    I have received?
    Without your approval, your transaction will not be processed and the amount will not be
    deducted from your account.
  2. Can I use i-MSecure for transactions that I have saved as ‘Favourites’?
    No, i-MSecure is not required for transactions that you have saved as ‘Favourites’.
  3. I did not initiate a transaction, but I’ve just received a push notification to authorise a
    transaction using i-MSecure. What should I do?
    If you have encountered any suspicious transaction from your account, please contact our
    Customer Care Line at +60326005500 to lodge a report.
  4. What if my i-MSecure is blocked?
    If your attempt to approve fails even after 3 tries, your i-MSecure will be blocked. Please contact
    our Customer Care Line at +60326005500 to unblock your i-MSecure verification.
  5. Will i-MSecure work when I am in overseas?
    Yes, you can use i-MSecure when you are overseas. Please ensure the date and time on your
    device are set to ‘automatic’.